Why is it required to plug in earphones for listening to the radio in a smartphone?

why mobile phone needs earphone plugged in to play radio?

Good Asked on April 23, 2020 in Technology.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    A lot of mobile phones don’t actually include an antenna for the FM radio inside and instead rely upon the wires inside your earphone cable to pick up the reception.

    This is also why when you try and run the FM radio application on mobiles without earphones connected it will refuse to start the audio playback.

    However, there have been mobile phones with an internal FM antenna such as the Nokia 5030 and other feature phones.

    Having said that feature phones are less sophisticated and space challenged compared to smartphones.

    Maybe with the way that electronics keeps shrinking FM radio might become more of a staple without connecting your earphones unless digital radio or streaming over he web becomes mainstream.

    Better Answered on April 23, 2020.
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