What steps should I take to adjust my privacy settings on Facebook?

What steps should I take to adjust my privacy settings on Facebook?

Default Asked on November 20, 2023 in Facebook.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    To adjust your privacy settings on Facebook, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Facebook app and log in.

    2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the bottom-right corner (navigation menu).

    3. Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy,” then select “Settings.”

    4. Scroll down to “Privacy” and tap on it.

    5. Review and adjust the settings under various categories, such as “Who can see your future posts?” and “Who can send you friend requests?”. Customize these settings according to your preferences.

    6. Go back to the “Settings” menu and select “Privacy Checkup.” This guides you through important privacy settings, allowing you to review and adjust them.

    7. For specific posts or albums, you can adjust privacy individually. When creating a post or uploading a photo, use the audience selector (usually located next to the “Post” button) to choose who can see it.

    By carefully adjusting these settings, you can control who sees your content and enhance your privacy on Facebook.

    Better Answered on November 20, 2023.
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