Is truecaller safe and accurate to use?

I see truecaller taking my contacts access. is this app safe to use?

Good Asked on June 3, 2020 in Mobile.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Some users even dig deeper into the app to understand if truecaller is safe at all to use. Here are few findings i could gather from other users:

    1. Truecaller create financial risk profile of its users without their knowledge. Please stop this, Truecaller was meant to be a spam blocker, how could it get into this sensitive zone?
    2. Truecaller also creates brand affinity profiles. If i prefer amazon over flipkart, truecaller know about it and might sell this information to flipkart for marketing purpose. You start with blocking the spam and now also feeding the data to increase the spam.
    Better Answered on June 3, 2020.
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