How do i find clients as a freelance graphic designer starting out?


Good Asked on October 4, 2021 in Graphic Design.
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  • 1 Answer(s)
    1. Contact an artist representative agency. Let them find to clients for you. They take a percent which you should include in your fee.
    2. Cold call any business. Let them know you can provide services they may want or need.
    3. Ask printing companies if they can outsource their design work to you. Let them know you will bring business for them as well.
    4. New businesses are starting up everyday. Probably hundreds in your State. Research your county records, for new business registering in your county and prepare a sales pitch, or flyer.
    5. Look for business that have poor graphics, especially package design. Package design needs to be updated and revised every year. Show them something to impress them. Research them. Be careful not to get ripped of. Be a good judge of character, when doing something on spec. Pick good people.
    6. Contact Local business groups, and become a member. Make friends with other business people. Let them know about your services, and ask them to refer any other businesses to you. Referrals are the best.
    7. Contact nonprofits, and ask for work, where you give them a lower rate. They are a good source of referrals.
    8. The more business people that no about your services, the greater your possibilities for getting new assignments.
    9. People favor working with people that they know and like. Develop a friendly community network for yourself.
    10. Go to trade shows and look for companies that may need help packaging their product or services. Develop a friendship, don’t pitch, Give them some free advice. Let them figure out the rest.
    Good Answered on October 4, 2021.
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