How can I earn by using Google Ads?

earn money through google ads

Better Asked on April 8, 2020 in Freelancing.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    In fact, Google doesn’t have the money, all the money they pay you comes from Google Adword.

    This is a service for advertisers, those who want to promote products / services / websites they need to pay Google to buy ads based on keywords (keyword) related to the product.

    For example:

    If I wants to promote this article, then I will have to pay some money to Google through the Adword advertising program. I will pay for the keyword “How does Google ads pay you?” (the amount to be paid will be based on the hotness and level of competition of that keyword).

    When webmasters, bloggers, Youtuber, writer or you insert ad code of the Google Ads into a website, the content corresponds to what I posted to run adse. At that time, the ad will show, when the user clicks on the ad to my website, Google will be paid by me.

    Then Google will deduct a portion of the money to pay for webmasters, bloggers, youtuber who own websites displaying my website’s ads!

    For displaying advertisements on Youtube, when the viewer clicks on the ad, the owner of the video and the Youtube channel will receive the money.

    Regarding the form of payment, Google will pay you by month (on the 21st) with fixed rates, the first time is $ 50 and the next time is $ 100 via bank card service or Western Union account …

    Do you have any experience when making money through the ads, do not hesitate to share right below the comment, I would like to hear from you!


    Best Answered on April 8, 2020.
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