Bootstrap or Javascript which one should I learn first?

Hi, I’m a learner. I’ve just learned HTML and CSS, Now I’m confused. please suggest me

Better Asked on May 1, 2021 in Website.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    If I had to relearn things I would probably start with HTML/CSS/Boostrap then move onto JavaScript.

    JavaScript by itself will feel extremely limited as you wouldn’t really know what to use it for.

    Once you know the basics of the markup for a website you can use the JavaScript you learned to complement it by making it more interactive! You can do client side validation of input, Scripts to change the way things behave on the site (responsive tabs, tables, etc).

    You can do some game development with just JavaScript, and in this right it would be okay to earn JavaScript first.

    Best Answered on May 1, 2021.
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